Bruker Avance Neo 600 console with a Bruker AscendTM 600 magnet and a CentOS workstation with Bruker TopSpin 4.1.4 software. The following probes are available:
- 5 mm CPP TCI H/F-C-N/D Prodigy cryoprobe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
- 5 mm PI HR-TBO (BB (31P-75As/139La-109Ag)/F-H/F-D) SmartProbe iProbe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
- X (15N-31P)/H CP-MAS DVT probe
The instrument is equipped with a 60-positions autosampler and Bruker Autocalibrate and Assure-SST function.