Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy Bruker Avance II+ HD 600 MHz

Bruker Avance II+ 600 console with a Bruker 600 UltraShieldTM magnet and a CentOS workstation with Bruker TopSpin 3.6.5 software. The spectrometer is standard equipped with a 5 mm PABBO BB (31P-109Ag)-1H/D probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching. The following probes are also available:

  • 10 mm PABBO BB (31P-109Ag)-1H/D probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
  • 10 mm PABBO BBLR (41K-109Ag)-1H/D custom probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching. BB range shifted upwards as to include 97Mo, 89Y and 183W.
  • 5 mm SEF 19F-1H/D probe, optimized for 19F observation with 1H decoupling.
  • 1 mm PATXI 1H/D-13C/15N probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
  • 5 mm PATXI 600S3 H-C/N-D probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
  • 5 mm PABBI 1H/D-BB (31P-109Ag) probe with z-gradients and ATM accessory for Automatic Tuning and Matching
  • 5 mm SEX 13C-1H/D probe, optimized for temperature ranges of -150 °C to 600 °C
  • 4 mm HRMAS 1H/13C/15N/2H probe with 1H/13C/15N observe or decoupling channels and Magic Angle-gradient

The spectrometer is equipped with a 24-positions sample changer and Bruker Autocalibrate function. The spectrometer runs in Icon-NMR Automation mode.

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