Total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) Bruker S4 T-STAR 400 PLUS

The Bruker S4 T-STAR 400 PLUS is a benchtop spectrometer for fast quantitative and semi-quantitative multi-element microanalysis of liquids using the principle of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (TXRF). Detection limits are in the ppb and ppm range, so that the technique is optimally suited for trace element analysis.


  • Element range: Mo excitation: Mg to U (with exception of Nb to Ru)
    W excitation: K to U
  • Concentration: ppb to 100 %
  • Sample types: liquids
  • X-ray tube: 50 W metal-ceramic, max. 50 kV, 1 mA air-cooled
  • Detector: Peltier-cooled Silicon Drift Detector
  • Energy resolution <149 eV at 100 kcps
  • Autosampler with 90 positions
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